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Zoom jokes 🧑🏽‍💻 in 2025

Yo mama so stupid
– She wears a face mask on a zoom meeting

Zoom meetings are basically seances with the living…
– Brian, are you there? Make a sound if you can hear us. Is anyone with you? Can you hear us?

I accidentally called a presentation a “slide deck”
– Now everyone on the Zoom meeting knows I’m actually 40

I told a joke over my zoom meeting
– It wasn’t even remotely funny

I like to wrap myself in a blanket when I work from home. You could say I now work undercover.

How does an old man zoom in in Skyrim?
– The elder scrolls

I never skydived before…
– but I once zoomed in very fast on google maps.

A student is late for a zoom class…
“What took you so long?” the teacher asks.
“Technical difficulties” the student answers.
“I’ve heard that excuse a hundred times, let me guess, your wifi didn’t work?”
“My clock”

Teacher, may I borrow a pencil?
Jimmy: Teacher, may I borrow a pencil?

Teacher: I don’t know, can you?

Jimmy: What? Last time I asked, you told me to use “May I”. So unfair!

Teacher: Quit clowning around, Jimmy, you know you can’t borrow a pencil over Zoom.

A software salesman died and was greeted by St. Peter at the gate to heaven.
Upon examining the great book, St.Peter tells the salesman he has an equal number of good and bad things in his life’s history, so the choice of heaven or hell is his decision to make.

The salesman, hesitant to make such a momentous decision, asks if he can tour both places to assist him with his choice. St. Peter says sure and calls up a cloud for him to ride through heaven. He floats around and sees streets of gold and people playing harps and hears voices singing. Definitely a nice place, but definitely boring.

He returns and St. Peter points to a very long escalator which the salesman rides down. At the bottom of the escalator is a white sand beach, beautiful people playing volleyball, his favorite rock music and cater waiters everywhere providing food and drinks. As far as the eye could see, it was paradise.

The salesman returns to St. Peter and states that while heaven was a very nice, serene place, hell was definitely the happening place where he wanted to be. St. Peter gives him a key card to the express elevator and wishes him the best.

The elevator zooms to the bottom floor and the doors open to a blast of heat and the stench of sulfur. As he steps out, a beast leaps from behind a rock and begins chewing his leg. Barely able to crawl, the salesman looks up to see the devil himself and asks, “Where are the beaches and the beautiful people?”

The devil chuckles and says, “Really? You didn’t realize that was just a demo?”

What do you call a quick video-conference at the Mazda factory?
– A zoom-zoom zoom Zoom.

I told a joke over my zoom meeting
– It wasn’t even remotely funny

Some people say:’ why don’t they protest peacefully?’
– And then here comes this guy: ‘why don’t they just do a Zoom protest? ’.

Those Zoom doctor appointments are not very good.
– Especially when your doctor has you stick your finger up your own ass and then you find out that he isn’t really a doctor and you are in the wrong meeting.

Remember that one time when you had to get out of bed and actually commute to your office? Yeah, me neither.

President Joe Biden announced that he would give a free bottle of Bud Light to anyone who got a vaccine.
Not to be outdone, the next day, the President Obrador of Mexico announced that he would give a bottle of Corona to anyone who got a vaccine.

The day after, the President Higgins of Ireland announced that he’d be giving out free bottles of water.

Biden and Obrador were confused and gave the Irish President a Zoom call. “We kinda expected you to give out free Guiness, being from Ireland and all”

The Irish President replied: “Well, if you guys aren’t giving out beer, then neither am I.”

At the Bee Prom…
A young bee nervously flies around hoping to grab a dance with the queen bee. Finally he musters up the courage and talks to her. She looks at him and says “I’ll dance with you if you get me some fruit punch”
Excited, the bee zooms to get the punch. He sees the line for nachos, the ice cream machine, the honey line, but after hours of searching he realizes…
There is no punch line

Breaking: CNN legal analyst caught masturbating on a Zoom call
Guess you could say he just couldn’t keep his Toobin his pants

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