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Sock jokes 🧦 in 2024

What do you call a sock that’s always grumpy? A cranky-sock.

Why did the sock go to the doctor? It had a sock-ness.

Why did the sock refuse to share its secrets? It had a sole-ful past.

What do you call a sock that’s always daydreaming? A fantasy-sock.

What do you call a sock that’s always telling jokes? A pun-ky sock.

What do you call a sock that’s always gossiping? A tale-sock.

Why did the sock need a therapist? It had issues with its toe-jam.

Why did the sock go to the library? To check out some sole-ful books.

What do you call a sock that’s always talking about politics? A politic-sock.

What do you call a sock that’s always on the go? A wander-sock.

Why did the sock need a lawyer? It was in a legal battle with a shoe.

Why did the sock get in trouble at school? It was caught wearing a mismatched pair.

Why did the sock need a lawyer? It was accused of being a sole-stealer.

What do you call a sock that’s always joking around? A laugh-sock.

What do you call a sock that’s always running late? A procrastin-sock.

Why did the sock need a map? It was lost in the laundry room.

Why did the sock need a therapist? It had a fear of being separated from its mate.

What do you call a sock that’s always singing in the shower? A shower-socker.

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