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Bigfoot jokes in 2024

My girlfriend is like Bigfoot
– She hasn’t been found yet but I have faith she’s still out there.

Yo mama so hairy
– She accidentally guest starred on Finding Bigfoot

I took off into the woods last night to do some soul-searching…
– I found Bigfoot, but no soul.

I’m having trouble focusing on my work
– said the bigfoot photographer.

Ya know what’s rarer than bigfoot?
– A BMW driver that uses their turn signal

I don’t believe in Bigfoot
– Because he never believed in me. I’d scan the crowd at my school recitals and always saw that one empty seat.

What does Bigfoot do to keep his glutes in shape?
– Sasquats

Bigfoot is like the G-spot of the Forrest.
– No one can find him.

I’m watching Finding Bigfoot
– Spoiler alert: They didn’t find him.

Everyone on the planet is chasing imaginary monsters with their phone
– But when I do it I need to “grow up” and “quit looking for Bigfoot.”

What do u call a female Bigfoot?
– Snatchsquatch

What did Bigfoot say when Sasquatch asked if he was ready to leave?
– Not Yeti.

A barber, a hairdresser, and bigfoot walk into a bar…
– You know what…I’m gonna shave this joke for another time.

Bigfoot is sometimes confused with Sasquatch…
– Yeti never complains..

Bigfoot walks into a bar..
– The bartender is no longer able to discern reality and spends the rest of his life in a mental institution.

What do you get when bigfoot stomps on your garden?
– Squash

What is bigfoots favorite thing to eat?
– Squash

What do you call a sketchy looking Bigfoot?
– A Susquatch.

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