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Transformers jokes ๐Ÿš—๐Ÿ”„๐Ÿค– in 2024

Why was the Transformer a good baseball player? He was great at pitching… gears!

Why did the Transformer become a teacher? He loved to inspire young minds… and machines!

Why did Optimus Prime win the talent show? His performance was electric!

What’s a Transformer’s favorite exercise? Circuit training!

How do Transformers write secret messages? In Autobot-tom code!

Why was the Transformer a good architect? He loved to design structures!

Why don’t Transformers use public transport? Because they’re auto-bots!

What’s a Transformer’s favorite dessert? Raspberry pi – they love the coding part!

What’s a Transformer’s favorite type of joke? Anything with a shocking punchline!

How do Transformers cut their pizza? With their pizza cutters in disguise!

Why was the Transformer a good detective? He could change his view on a case!

Why was the Transformer bad at golf? He always ended up in the sand trap… as a truck!

How does a Transformer celebrate its birthday? With a circuit party!

What’s Optimus Prime’s favorite type of music? Heavy metal!

Why was the Transformer a bad waiter? He kept dropping the plates… from a height!

Why was the Transformer a good politician? He could always change to suit the situation!

Why don’t Transformers like to play hide and seek? They’re always spotted transforming!

How does a Transformer get a job promotion? By always shifting gears!

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