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Underwear jokes 🩲 in 2024

What do you call underwear that’s always clean? Tidy briefs.

What do you call underwear that’s always calm? Serene briefs.

Why did the underwear go to the farmer’s market? To buy some brief produce.

Why did the underwear go to the restaurant? To get a brief meal.

What do you call underwear that’s always lazy? Sluggish briefs.

What do you call underwear that’s always late? Tardy briefs.

Why did the underwear go to the art museum? To appreciate some brief sculptures.

Why did the underwear go to the coffee shop again? To order another brief latte.

What do you call underwear that’s always nervous? Jittery briefs.

What do you call underwear that’s always cold? Chilly briefs.

Why did the underwear go to the lake? To go for a brief swim.

Why did the underwear go to the park? To enjoy some brief nature.

What do you call underwear that’s always forgetful? Absent-minded briefs.

What do you call underwear that’s always curious? Inquisitive briefs.

Why did the underwear go to the mountains? To go on a brief hike.

Why did the underwear go to the party? To get into the brief groove.

What do you call underwear that’s always shy? Timid briefs.

What do you call underwear that’s always energetic? Zesty briefs.

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