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Snowman jokes ☃️ in 2024

Why is it quicker to build a snowman than a snowwoman?
– It takes too long to hollow out her head.

Why’d the snowman pull his pants down?
– He saw the snowblower coming.

What does a snowman take when the sun gets too hot?
– A chill pill.

Madness at the Snowman’s rave last night..
– All the Carrots were off their faces

What does Frosty’s wife put on her face at night?
– Cold cream!

What does the snowman from Frozen do when something is funny?
– O-laugh!

Where do snowmen put their webpages?
– On the winternet.

What did the horse say to the snowman that lived nextdoor?
– Hay Neigh Brr

When is it acceptable for a nose to be in a salad?
– When it’s a snowman’s nose!!

Who doesn’t like to sit in front of the fire?
– Snowman.

What did the snowman say to the robin?
– I have snow idea!

What do you call an old snowman?
– Water.

What do you call an elderly snowman?
– Water (bu dum tiss)

What does Frosty call ice?
– Skid stuff!

Why did the snowman turn yellow?
– Ask the little boy over there.

My five year old just told me this one…
– Why did the snowman go to the vegetable garden?
– So he could go pick his nose.

What did Jack Frost say to Frosty the Snowman?
– Have an ice day!

Why do snowmen like living in the North Pole?
– Because it’s cool

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