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Snowman jokes ☃️ in 2025

Why is it quicker to build a snowman than a snowwoman?
– It takes too long to hollow out her head.

Why’d the snowman pull his pants down?
– He saw the snowblower coming.

What sort of ball doesn’t bounce?
– A snowball.

What did the snowman die of?
– Frostate cancer.

Why did Frosty have a carrot in his nose?
– Because he forgot where the refrigerator was.

Knock Knock
– Who’s there?
– Snow
– Snow who?
– Snow laughing matter!

What do snowmen wear on their heads?
– Ice caps.

Did you hear about the snowman who got angry when the sun came out?
– He had a total meltdown

Why did the snowman name his dog frost?
– Because frost bites.

How does a Snowman get to work?
– By icicle.

What do you get when you cross a snowman with a baker?
– Frosty the dough-man!

What happened when the snowwoman had an argument with the snowman?
– She gave him the cold shoulder.

Why is Frosty the Snowman like my dad?
– He said he’ll be back one day

What does a snowman have in common with an ocean?
– They’re both bodies of water!

Who are Frosty’s parents?
– Mom and Pop-Sicle!

How can you tell a snowman from a snowwoman?
– The snowwoman is the one wearing the make-up.

What did one snowman say to the other snowman?
– You’re cool.

Why was the snowman smiling?
– He could see the snowblower coming down the street

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