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Bee jokes ๐Ÿ in 2024

What do bees write in their Valentine cards?
– Honey bee mine.

When a bee writes a sonnet, it waxes poetic.

What goes zzub-zubb when it travels?
– A bee flying backwards.

Remember, if you offend an audience of beekeepers, you may hear some veiled threats.

Whatโ€™s black and yellow and flies at 30,000 feet?
– A bee on an aeroplane.

What are the names for bees from America?
– USBs.

What did the bees do after they got married?
– They went on a honeymoon.

What do bees chew?
– Bumble gum!

What do you call a bee that needs a drink?
– Bee-hydrated.

What kind of bee hums and drop things?
– A fumble bee.

What do they call a bee that doesn’t stop talking?
– Blabb-bee.

Which music band do bees love best?
– The Bee-tles.

A beeโ€™s favorite sport is rug-bee.

What do you call a bee thats returned from the dead?
– A zombee.

Do you think a bee’s favourite book is the Great Gats-bee?

What does the queen bee say to the worker bees?
– You should bee more productive.

What do you call a ghost bee?
– A boo bee.

Whatโ€™s a beeโ€™s favorite flower?
– A bee-gonia.

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