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Hand jokes 🖐️ in 2024

What do you call a hand that can draw? An artist’s hand.

What do you call a hand that’s always writing? A scribbling hand.

What do you call a hand that’s always on time? A punctual palm.

Why was the hand always curious? Because it liked to get a feel for things.

What did the left hand say to the right hand? “High five!”

What did the hand say to the pencil? “You lead, I’ll follow.”

What did the hand say to the keyboard? “I’m ready to type away.”

Why did the hand go to the beach? To get a tan-line on its fingers.

Why did the hand refuse to go to the zoo? It was afraid of being mistaken for a monkey’s hand.

Why did the hand refuse to type? It was afraid of carpal tunnel.

What do you call a hand that’s always painting? An artistic hand.

Why did the hand cross the road? To get to the second glove compartment.

Why did the hand refuse to go to the bar? It was afraid of getting a little tipsy.

Why was the hand always happy to lend a hand? Because it knew it had a helping hand.

What did the hand say when it was caught stealing? “I couldn’t resist the finger food.”

What did the hand say to the sandwich? “You’re in good hands.”

What did the hand say to the face when it was asked if it was okay? “I’m all right.”

Why did the hand refuse to go to the circus? It was afraid of clowns giving it the finger.

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