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Snake jokes 🐍 in 2024

Why can’t a snake rob a bank?
– Because they are unarmed.

Why do snakes always measure in inches?
– Because they don’t have any feet

What is a snake’s favorite school subject?
– Hisstory.

What is a snake’s favorite school subject?
– Hisstory.
I came up with that in a dream last night, hope it’s OC.

What is a snake’s favorite dance?
– The Mamba.

What did the Mommy snake say to the Baby snake?
– “Please stop crying and viper your nose.”

Why are snakes hard to fool?
– They have no legs to pull.

A snake walks into a bar.
– The bartender says, “How did you do that?”

What do you call a snake that builds things?
– A boa constructor.

What do you get when you cross a rabbit with a snake?
– A jump rope.

Why should you never throw a snake like a boomerang?
– Because it’ll come back to bite you.

What do you give a sick snake?
– Asp-rin.

What’s a snake’s favorite dance?
– The snake, rattle, and roll.
– The mamba.

Doctor: “Can you describe the snake that bit you?”
– Patient: “Yes. It looked like an angry rope. “

What do you call a funny snake?
– Hissssssterical.

What do you get if you cross a trumpet and a serpent?
– A snake in the brass.

What do you get when you cross a snake and a plane?
– A Boeing constrictor.

Baby snake: “Mommy, are we poisonous?”
– Mother snake: “Yes, son. Why?”
– Baby snake: “I just bit my tongue.”

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