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Lunchbox jokes 🍱 in 2024

Where do sheep go to get their hair cut?
—- The baa – baa shop.

Why did the cookie go to the doctor?
– Because he was feeling crummy

What can you catch but not throw?
– A cold.

What stays hot in the fridge?
—- A hot dog!

What do you get when a cow laughs?
– A milkshake

Who is the king of school supplies?
– The ruler

What do you call a sad strawberry?
– A blueberry.

What do you call an alligator in a vest?
—- An investogator.

What is smarter than a talking bird?
– A spelling bee

The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?
– Footsteps.

What did one plate say to the other plate?
—- Lunch is on me.

Why was the strawberry sad?
– It was in a jam

Why was the math book unhappy?
– Because he had too many problems

Why did the cookie go to the hospital?
– It was feeling crumby.

What did the buffalo say when his son left to go to school?
—- Bison.

What kind of nut has no shell?
– A doNut

What goes up but never comes back down?
– Your age.

Why did the cookie go to the doctor?
—- Because he was feeling crumby.

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