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It’s So Cold Jokes 🥶 in 2024

It’s so cold…
-Harvey Weinstein is keeping his hands to himself.

It’s so cold outside…
-I brushed against a car in the parking lot and accidently keyed it with my nipple.

It was so cold…
-every kind of cereal in the cupboard was frosted – including the boxes!

Why is the letter B so cold?
-Because it’s between the AC.

It was so cold . . .
-we had to carry around hammers and chisels so we could get out of our parkas!

It was so cold . . .
-we had to chop up the piano for firewood – but we only got two chords.

It was so cold . . .
-terrorists started to stockpile weapons-grade hot chocolate!

It was so cold back last winter,
-Starbucks started serving coffee on a stick.

It was so cold…
-hitchhikers were holding up pictures of thumbs!

It’ so cold
-I’m shivering like a mobster in a tax office.

It was so cold . . .
-the rats were bribing the alley cats for a snuggle.

What would you call a dollar that’s frozen because it is so cold outside?
– You would call it cold, hard cash.

It was so cold . . .
-kids were using a new excuse to stay up late: “But Mom, my pyjamas haven’t thawed out yet!”

It was so cold…
– when the cops ordered someone to “freeze”, they had to thaw them out later back at the lock-up.

It’s so cold
-refrigerators are redundant.

Which kind of hats are so cold they are always frozen?
-Ice caps.

What would the furry hat say to the warm scarf during winter? ”
– “You better hang around while I go ahead.”

Feeling cold?
-Go stand in the corner. It’s 90 degrees.

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