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Moose jokes 🦌 in 2024

Did you hear about the moose who cried at the funeral?
– He lost a deer friend.

Why did the moose cross the road?
– To prove it wasn’t chicken.

What do moose say when they get stuck up a tree?
– Elk me!

What’s as big as a moose, as flat as a pancake and weighs nothing?
– The moose’s shadow.

What do you get when you cross a mouse and a deer?
– Mickey Moose

Why do moose have such big antlers?
– So they get better radio reception!

Two friends were walking in Canada when they saw some moose.
– “Look at that bunch of moose over there!” shouted one.
– “Herd,” said her friend.
– “Heard what?” asked the first lady.
– “Herd of moose.”
– “Of course I’ve heard of moose, how silly do you think I am?”

What happens when a moose gets cold?
– She gets the moose bumps.

What do you call a moose with two legs shorter than the others?
– Mussolini

What do you call a moose that plays piano?
– A moose-ician.

Knock knock
Who’s there?
Carrie who?

I was very confused the other dah
– I was discussing religion with a man and he claimed to be a “moose limb”. Must be some kinda canadian thing I guess.

Did you hear that a moose sat on my car this morning?
– No way, you moose-d be kidding me.

In the UK we call them lifts but in the US they call them elevators
– Because we’re raised differently.

What do you call a moose who’s always late for work?
– Unrelia-bull.

What do you get if you cross a moose with a ghost?
– A cari-boo.

Where do moose go to play computer games?
– The a-moose-ment arcade.

I was hit by a moose driving my motorcycle yesterday.
– How he managed to drive it is a mystery to me.

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