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Owl jokes 🦉 in 2024

What do you can an owl who’s been caught in the act?
– A spotted owl.

When does an owl go, “Moooooo!”
– When it’s learning a new language.

Two owls were playing pool. One owl said “Two Hits.”
– The other owl said “Two hits to who?”

I was talking to a barn owl last night, when I mentioned that I’d just got engaged.
– He said, “You twit! To who?”

Why did the owl ‘owl?
– Because the Woodpecker would peck ‘er.

What games does the owl family play every weekend with their kids?
– Guess Who?

What do you call it when barn owls fight?
– Clash of the Tytos!

What happens if an owl doesn’t wash?
– It smells fowl.

What’s the difference between a sniper with Parkinson’s Disease and a constipated owl?
– One can shoot but can’t hit…

Why was the owl rapper with a sore throat not concerned with performing at his upcoming show?
– He couldn’t give a hoot.

Have you heard about the owl party?
– It was a real hoot.

What did the owl say to the judge?
– I’m talon you, it wasn’t me.

Why did the owl join the dating website?
– He didn’t want to be owl by himself.

Why didn’t the owl tell anyone about his secret stash of shrews?
– He was a shrewd owl who wanted the food owl to himself.

What do you get when you mix owls and oysters together?
– Pearls of wisdom.

What do you get if you cross an owl with a skunk?
– A bird that smells, but doesn’t give a hoot.

What’s the difference between a tuna, a piano, and an owl?
– I don’t know.

What do you happen to get if you cross an owl and a skunk?
– A birdie that stinks, but does not give a hoot.

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