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Orange Jokes 🍊 in 2024

Why was the orange always on the edge?
– Because he had a seed of doubt planted in him.

What does an orange listen to?
– Music com-peel-ations.

What did the orange say after being tortured by another orange?
– “You’re gonna burn in a pith of fire”!

What type of orange juice do people with ADHD have trouble drinking?
– Concentrate!

What’s fat, orange and that everyone avoids?
A traffic cone.

*what did you expect?*

Why was the orange depressed?
– Because nobody could peel his pain.

Why did the orange help the old lady cross the road?
– To do a random act of rindness.

If you say “gullible” slowly enough, it actually sounds like”oranges”
– Give it a try

I found I have been happier since I changed from coffee in the morning to orange juice.
My doctor explained that it’s the vitamin C and natural sugars , but I really think it’s the Vodka

Comparing the number of Instagram hashtags for #apple and #orange
really is apples and oranges

Why are oranges the smartest fruit?
– Because they can concentrate.

What did the doctor tell the orange during the physiotherapy?
– He said, “Concentrate!”

Why are prison inmates dressed in orange? They should be dressed in violet
– Because they’re violetors.

In Soviet Union a Screwdriver is not Orange Juice with Vodka…
It’s Vodka with Orange Juice

(Jokester’s Note: Russian Vodka is the best in the world regarding to taste, which inspired me to make this joke, love y’all(as far as a westerner goes))

What did the germaphobe orange hate the most?
– Being squeezed at.

Why was the little boy staring at the orange juice carton?
– Because it said “concentrate”!

Why are orange and banana phones so popular these days?
– They have appeal

Doctor, I’m worried about my son. He spends all day measuring imaginary bottles of orange soda.
Don’t worry ma’am, it’s normal for boys his age to spend their time fantasising.

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