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Karate jokes ๐Ÿฅ‹๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿผ in 2024

Why did the karate master go to the bakery? He heard they needed a good roll model!

Why do karate masters love Christmas? They get to break the ice!

Why did the karate master start a band? He heard they needed someone who could hit high notes!

Why did the karate master open a bakery? He wanted to roll with the punches!

Why do karate masters make great detectives? They always hit upon the truth!

What’s a karate master’s favorite snack? Chop-olate cookies!

Why did the karate master go to a farm? He wanted to teach the animals self-defense!

Why did the karate master go to a comedy show? He heard they needed someone to deliver punchlines!

What’s a karate master’s favorite dance? The chop-cha-cha!

What’s a karate master’s favorite TV show? “The Big Bang Theory” – because of all the hits!

Why did the karate master refuse to play chess? He was afraid of check-mate!

What’s a karate master’s favorite dessert? A punch cake!

What’s a karate master’s favorite type of bread? A punch roll!

Why did the karate master become a gardener? He wanted to plant some chops!

Why did the karate master become a politician? He wanted to take a shot at running the country!

Why did the karate master go on a diet? He wanted to get rid of his punch belly!

Why did the karate master go to a disco? He wanted to show off his spinning kicks!

What did the karate master say to the tailor? “I need a new belt!”

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