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Bread jokes 🍞🥖🥯 in 2024

You’re toast.

Why was the loaf of bread upset?
– His plan were always going a rye.

How do you get a raise at the bread factory?
– Butter up your boss.

Did you hear about the bread factory that burned down?
– now the business is toast.

Wheat it and weep.

Don’t be so sour, dough.

What did the butter say to the bread?
– I’m on a roll.

Did you know that bread puns always happen when you yeast expect them?

Q: What do you see when the Pillsbury Doughboy bends over?
– A: Doughnuts!

Q: What do you call it when a mother and child bake bread together?
– A: A labor of loaf.

Why did the aging loaf retire?
– His career was toast.

Why was the bread maker so grumpy?
– She woke up on the wrong side of the bread.

Why did the ageing loaf of bread retire?
– Because his career was toast.

Q: How do you make pickle bread?
– A: With dill-dough

Next time you need a loaf, challah at me.

What songs do bread loaves hate?
– The golden moldies.

What kind of bread does Dr Who not like eating?
– Dalek bread.

Why does bread looks so bad in photographs?
– It’s just too grainy.

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