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Sheep jokes 🐑 in 2024

What do sheep wear to the beach?
– A baa-kini

Where do Welsh sheep farmers take their fleece to send overseas?
– OooOooo woolwarves of London

What kind of sports car does a sheep like to drive?
– A Lamborghini.

Did you hear about the sheep that climbed over the mountain instead of around it?
– He took the path of fleece persistence.

You guys have very baaaaaaa-d puns

Just saw a sheep fight a cow
– Looks like they were in a baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad mooooooooooooooooooooooooooood

What do you call a sheep with no legs?
– A cloud

What do you call a sheep who likes to dance?
– A baa-lerina.

What’s a sheep’s favourite newspaper?
– The Wool Street Journal.

I love jokes about sheep dogs..
– I won’t be satisfied until I’ve herd them all.

I was suddenly surrounded by a flock of sheep!
– It was… a lambush!!!

What do you call a sheep that is always quiet?
– A shhhheep!

What instrument do a pair of sheep play,
– The two-baaaa

When you buy a sheep online…
– Do you pay for a shipping fee?

I was attacked by a flock of sheep earlier…
– Fortunately, I was only grazed

What’s the most frustrating part about being a sheep farmer?
– Every time you try to take inventory, you fall asleep.

What do you call a Protestant sheep?
– A baaaa-ptist.

Why did the policeman give the sheep a ticket?
– Because she made an illegal ewe turn.

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