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Psychology jokes 🧠 in 2025

My psychologist says I have trouble identifying my emotions
– Not quite sure how I feel about it

What did the bouncer say to the psychology major and his friends, Ego and Superego?
– I’m sorry I can’t let you enter without Id.

How many psychologists does it take to change a light bulb?
– Just one, but it takes nine visits.

Why was the moralist not allowed inside the bar?
– He didn’t have a valid Id.

My psychiatrist said….
– “Tell me, how long have you been having these hallucinations about seeing a psychiatrist?”

When I was younger my parents sent me to a child psychologist
– That kid didn’t help at all.

What did the client tell the psychologist when she questioned him about his co-dependency issues?
– If that’s what you think, I agree.

Secretary to Psychologist: “Doctor, there is a patient here who thinks he is invisible.”
– Psychologist: “Tell him I can’t see him right now.”

What do you get when you cross a banana peel with a psychologist ?
– A freudian slip.

What was Waldo going to start psychotherapy?
– He wanted to find himself.

A client comes for his first therapy session. He has a small cucumber up his nose, a carrot in his left ear, and a banana in his right ear.
– “Can you help me figure out what’s wrong with me?”
– he asks the therapist. The therapist replies, “You’re not eating properly.”

“Doctor,” said the receptionist over the phone, “there’s a patient here who thinks he’s invisible.”

– “Well, tell him I can’t see him right now.”

How many people with narcissism does it take to change to change a tire?
– You only need one. He’ll hold the tire and the world will revolve around him.

Why do horse psychology majors always end up performing better than the other animals?
– Their studying environment is a little more stable than the others’.

I just got back from my first session at the Bird Psychologist
– He comes highly recommended, but the tweetment won’t be cheep.

What did the author of the reverse psychology books request his readers to do?
– Not read the book.

A conversation between a psychologist and an anaesthetist was described as …..
– ….. mind numbing.

A psychologist is at a party talking with a small group of people, when a man comes up behind him and taps him on the shoulder.
– The psychologist turns around and the man hauls off and decks him.
– The psychologist gets up, brushes himself off, turns to the group and declares: “That’s his problem.”

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