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Dolphin jokes 🐬 in 2025

What do dolphins use to clean their houses?
– All-porpoise cleaner!

What is a dolphin’s favorite game to play at parties?
– Salmon says.

Who helps sick dolphins at the underwater hospital?
– Sturgeons.

A dolphin that has no parents is known as a dorphan.

What’s a dolphin’s favourite type of music?
– Orchastral music of course!

Why do dolphins enjoy living in salt water?
– Because pepper water makes them sneeze.

What did the ocean say to the dolphin?
– Nothing, it just waved!

What happened to the dolphin that left SeaWorld to have a family in the ocean?
– She was reporpoised.

What’s the best way to hear what dolphins have to say?
– Listen to their podcast!

Did you hear about the romantic dolphin
– he fell in love with the girl next dorsal.

Why did the dolphin get fined for swimming about the ocean?
– Because he didn’t yet have his diving license.

In the morning you get the dawny dolphin and in the evening you get the dusky dolphin.

Water we looking for on this boat trip?

What do you call a person from Finland who is extremely boring?
– A dolphin.

What should dolphins always have to stay healthy?
– Vitamin Sea!

I just finished writing a whole book on dolphins
– on second thought, I probably should’ve used paper.

What is the difference between a dolphin and a tuna.

– You can’t dolphin guitar.

What do dolphins use to wash themselves?
– Multi porpoise cleaner.

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