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Lemon jokes 🍋 in 2024

Who is the lemon’s favorite author?
– Lemony Snickett

Why was the lemon depressed?
– It lost all of its zest.

How do you make a lemon drop?
– Hold it high and let go.

How did the lemon change up her style?
– She got lemonade braids.

Life would be sour without you.

What do you call a lemon whose job is to perform for and entertain the king?
– The court zest-er.

The lemon pie went to the dentist because it needed fillings.

What do you call a lemon with no eyes?
– A lemon. Lemons don’t typically have eyes.

Lemon failed her driving test. She kept peeling out.

Why are lemons so observant?
– They’re full of Vitamin See.

What do you give to an injured lemon?
– Lemon-aid

I just lost my job at the lemonade store…
– because I cannot concentrate.

How are synagogues like lemons?
– They’re full of acidic juice.

Why was the car salesman arrested?
– For selling lemons.

Why do lemons wear sunscreen lotion?
– Because they peel.

After the lemon sleeps with a hooker, it suffers from lemon AIDS

Why was the lemon by himself?
– Because the banana split.

Lemon tell ya… I love you so much

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