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Skydiving jokes ๐Ÿช‚ in 2024

What’s a skydiver’s favorite type of cake? Anything they can “drop” a slice of!

Why do skydivers always carry a pen? They love “dropping” notes!

Why did the skydiver become a lifeguard? He loves a “dive”!

What do you call a skydiver at a boxing match? A “falling” puncher!

What’s a skydiver’s favorite type of math? Falling fractions!

Why did the skydiver go to the moon? He wanted a low-gravity “fall”!

What’s a skydiver’s favorite type of movie? Anything with a “cliffhanger”!

What’s a skydiver’s favorite type of pizza? Anything they can “catch” mid-air!

Why did the skydiver go to a fashion show? He loves “falling” trends!

Why did the skydiver bring a ladder on the plane? He wanted a little extra height!

What do you call a skydiver at a magic show? A “disappearing” act!

Why did the skydiver become a chef? He loves a “plunge” of flavors!

Why did the skydiver become a sailor? He loves a “splash” landing!

What’s a skydiver’s favorite type of candy? Anything they can “drop” into their mouth!

How do skydivers prefer their coffee? In free “fall”!

Why did the skydiver become a detective? He loves “falling” into cases!

What do you call a skydiver at a soccer match? A “falling” striker!

What do you call a skydiver at a chess game? A “falling” strategist!

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