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Alligator jokes 🐊 in 2024

What do you call an alligator with compass?
– A Navi-gator.

What does an alligator do when he loses his tail?
– Goes to a re-tail store.

Billy Bob parked his rig in Florida for a few days before driving back home. He was about to dive into the surf but figured he’d better check out the alligator situation with the townsfolk. “Nope, no gators here,” a local as- sured him.
Billv Bob had swum out 50 led before his
brain kicked in again. “Hey. how come there
ain’t no gators in here?” he yelled back to the
guy onshore.
“Because they’re afraid of the sharks,” came
the reply.

An alligator asked an electric eel, “hey, can I touch you?”
– Electric eel: Yes, but I’d have to charge you.

Why did the alligator cross the road?
– It was going after the chicken.

What’s worse than a big, hungry alligator chasing you?
– Two big, hungry alligators chasing you.

What kind of pet to alligators have?
– Alley Cats.

Did you here about the croc with a serious drug addiction?
– It was a crackodile.

What did the Alabama Alligator say to the teacher when asked why people were so mean?
– Momma says Alabamans are ornery because they have all them toothbrushes and no teeth

What do wounded alligators drink?
– Gatorade

What do you get when you cross a alligators with a rooster?
– A croc-a-dilian-doo.

What do you call an alligator who is wearing crocs on his feet?
– A traitor.

Who delivers the little crocodiles presents on December 25th?
– Santa Jaws.

The alligator was low on potassium
– So I ran to the gatorade

What do you get when you cross a child and an alligator?
– An alligator.

What do you call your alligator when it’s your best friend?
– A pal-igator.

That’s not a crocodile dundee movie reference.
– This is a crocodile dundee movie reference.
What do you call a crocodile that keeps breaking the law?
A crookadile.

Did you hear about the croc calling the frog?
– He just croc-o-dialled.

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