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Bear Jokes 🧸 in 2025

What is a polar bear’s favorite snack?
– Brrrrrittos.

Where do polar bears keep their money?
-In a snow bank.

How does a bear stop a movie?
-They hit the paws button.

How did the polar bear walk in the snow?

What would bears be without bees?

The grizzly bear needed to stop the movie
-but he couldn’t find the paws button.

How do bears keep their houses cool in the summer?
– They use bear conditioning.

Why did the two bears break up at the North Pole?
-They were polar opposites.

What did the bear say when he had to relay an unhappy message?
-“I hate to be the bearer of bad news!”

What do you call a panda that lost his food?

What does a baby bear have?
– A bear bum!

How does a bear get from one place to another?
– On a bear-o-plane.

What is a polar bear’s favourite food?
-Iceberg lettuce.

How can a bear catch fish without a pole?
-They use their bear hands.

Why was the little bear so spoiled?
-Because its mother panda’d to its every whim!

My dentist is a bear
– he’s a molar bear!

What do bears eat at parties?
-Blue bear-y pie!

Why did the bear quit his job at the daycare center?
– It was panda-monium.

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