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Tattoo jokes ☠⚕✒️ in 2024

What do you call a tattoo that doesn’t get enough sleep? A night ink!

Why did the tattoo artist have trouble with his business? He couldn’t ink a deal with his suppliers!

What do you call a tattoo of a bird? A fly ink!

Why did the tattoo artist go on vacation? To ink-joy some time off!

How does a tattoo artist make his art waterproof? By putting it under skin-sealant!

What do you call a tattoo of a dragon? An ink-redible beast!

Why did the tattoo artist get a job as a plumber? He was great at laying ink-pipe!

What do you call a tattoo of a fish? An ink-lin!

Why did the tattoo artist go on a diet? To get rid of his extra ink-weight!

Why did the tattoo artist have a lousy business? His tattoos had no body-ink!

Why did the tattoo artist have a successful business in the winter? He was great at inking jackets!

What do you call a tattoo of a lawyer? A tort ink!

What do you call a tattoo of a monkey? A cheeky ink!

What do you call a tattoo of a cowboy? An ink-ster!

Why did the tattoo artist go bankrupt? He couldn’t keep his prices from going under!

Why did the tattoo artist take a break from work? He needed to ink about his life!

Why did the tattoo artist open a bakery? He wanted to make ink-redible cakes!

What do you call a tattoo of a sandwich? An ink-which!

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