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Jellyfish jokes in 2024

What do you call a jellyfish that can pick up radio stations? A Jel-FM!

Why did the jellyfish refuse to play cards? It was afraid of sharks!

Why was the jellyfish always late? It couldn’t keep up with the current!

Why don’t jellyfish play hide and seek? They’re too transparent!

Why did the jellyfish go to the party? To have a whale of a time!

What is a jellyfish’s favorite type of car? A Volks-wagen Beetle, because it reminds them of their bug-like appearance!

What did the jellyfish say to the shark? I’m stinging it to the man!

What is a jellyfish’s favorite pastime? Floating around and doing nothing!

How do jellyfish like their drinks? On the rocks, no salt!

How do jellyfish say goodbye? “Sea” you later!

What’s a jellyfish’s favorite candy? Jelly Beans!

What do jellyfish like to put on their toast? Jelly, of course!

Why did the jellyfish refuse to play chess? It was afraid of the queen’s gambit!

How do jellyfish ask each other out? “Water you doing later?”

How do jellyfish like to relax? By drifting and dreaming!

What do you call a jellyfish at a rock concert? A jelly fan!

Why did the jellyfish blush? It saw the ocean’s bottom!

What’s a jellyfish’s favorite sitcom? Friends, because it’s all about being there for each other when the rain starts to pour – or the currents get strong!

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