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Geometry jokes 📐 in 2025

What did a math teacher use to tie up his books properly?
– He used a chord to pack his books!

How did the geometry teacher make soup while climbing up the high mountain peak?
– He took the help of the high-pot-in-use!

What will you hear if you cross Dwayne Johnson with a globe?
– Rock and roll.

I was going to make a geometry joke, but when I made it it fell flat
– I guess it was too plane. Back to square one

If geometry was considered to be a forest, then who would be the King of the forest?
– The king would undoubtedly be a line!

Why are so many fishermen great at working out the geometry problems? Because they are experts in angle-ing!

Why do algebra teachers feel superior to geometry teachers?
– Because they think that geometry teachers are too symbol-minded!

Which knight created the round table?
– Sir Cumference.

Tinder is simple geometry
– If you have good lines you’ll get good curves

Why was the geometry expert brought in to perform surgery on the athlete’s twisted quads?
– Because he knew how to make quadrilaterals.

What can be the difference between a geometry teacher and an astronaut?
– The teacher would do spatial geometry in class while the astronaut would do geometry in space!

What did the geometry teacher call the boiling pot soup on top of a mountain?
– A high-pot-in-use

What do geometry teachers do when it rains?
– The coincide

Who’s in charge in the land of geometry?
– The rulers.

Why can two parallel lines never be friends?
– This is because despite being so similar they can never meet.

What was the only type of fast food that mathematicians and geometry professors prefer to eat?
– They simply prefer to eat a plane burger!

What do you call a protractor who goes fishing a lot?
– An Angler.

What did the geometry teacher say when the class had trouble solving a problem?
– Let’s try a different angle

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