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Fungi jokes 🍄 in 2024

Two leprechauns are in the forest and one starts eating mushrooms, so the other one says to him, “Are you having fun, Gus?”

Why did the mushroom have so many friends?
– Because he was a fungi!

How does a mushroom car sound?
– Shroom, shroom.

I’d like to try putting mushrooms in cola, if you get my-cola-gist.

What did the mushroom’s sing when they won the closed-cup?
– We are the champignons!

I used to hate foot fungi
– But then it really grew on me.

What sort of room can you eat?
– A mushroom.

What do you call a picture of a mushroom with no arms, legs or head?
– A stalk photo.

Why didn’t the mushroom enter the weightlifting competition?
– Because he said he wasn’t stroganoff!

Who would be the best food to hang out with, a strawberry, a banana or a mushroom?
– A mushroom of course, because he’s a fungi.

Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Fun who?
Fungi! (Fun guy!)

How do you kill an angel?
– With an amanita virosa.

What platform do mushrooms use for their video conferences?
– Zhroom!

What kind of room has no doors or windows?
– A mush-room.

What’s an airplanes favorite mushroom?
– Air-portabela.

Where do baby mushrooms grow before they are born?
– In the mushwomb!

What happened to the fungi who moved into a New York apartment?
– He didn’t have mush-room

What’s the only room in your house you can’t go into?
– A mushroom.

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