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Band jokes 🎺🥁 in 2024

Why was music coming from the printer?
– The paper was jamming.

The special ed students made a metal band.
– It’s called Syndrome of a Down.

Do you like live music?
– Of course, I like live music. Dead music has body, but it doesn’t have soul.

Why did the grandma sit in the rocking chair with her rollerblades on?
– Because she wanted to rock and roll.

How do you fix a broken brass instrument?
– With a tuba glue.

What do you call a set of musical dentures?
– Falsetto teeth

My drummer friend asked me if I would like to join his band.
– I happily said, “You can definitely count off me!”.

What is the dumbest band ever?
– Moron 5.

What has forty feet and sings?
– The school choir.

The biggest difference between the Super Bowl and the Grammys.
– The Eagles have won a Grammy.

If ‘Nickelback’ starts to make happy and funny songs,
– they should be known as Ticklebacks!

What is Mike Tyson’s favorite rock band?
– Kith

I watched a UB40 tribute band called WD40.
– They were a bit rusty at first, but got better as the evening went on.

Why is a piano so hard to open?
– Because the keys are on the inside.

What’s a cat’s favorite subject in school?
– MEWsic.

I have a musician friend who is always upbeat. When she developed ringing in one ear, I asked whether her condition was especially annoying to a musician.
– She shook her head. “Not really,” she replied cheerfully. “The ringing sound is in the key of B flat, so I use it to tune my cello half a tone lower.”

The oyster only listens to one band.
– Pearl Jam.

What do you call a fish in a band
– A bassist

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