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Chickpea jokes in 2024

How do you make a chickpea roll its eyes? You tell it a “chick-joke.”

What do you call a chickpea that’s always thirsty? A “hummus-quencher.”

What’s a chickpea’s favorite type of music? Falafel-rock.

Why did the chickpea go to the library? It wanted to check out some hummus literature.

What did the chickpea say to the cashew? “Hey, nutty, how’s it crackin’?”

What do you call a chickpea that’s always looking in the mirror? A “hummus-selfie.”

Why did the chickpea go to the bank? It wanted to make a hummus withdrawal.

Why did the chickpea go to the museum? It wanted to see some hummus artifacts.

Why was the chickpea afraid of the dark? It was a “hummus-phobic.”

What do you call a chickpea that’s always on the phone? A “hummus-talker.”

How do you make a chickpea feel better? You give it a hummus hug.

Why did the chickpea go to the theater? It wanted to see a hummusical.

What do you call a chickpea that’s always telling jokes? A “hummus-tour-de-force.”

What did the chickpea say to the eggplant? “Hey, eggplant, how’s it bakin’?”

What did the chickpea say to the potato? “Hey, spud, how’s it mashing?”

Why did the chickpea get a job as a mailman? It wanted to be a “hummus-deliverer.”

What do you call a chickpea that’s always complaining? A “hummus-grump.”

What did the chickpea say to the olive? “Hey, olive, how’s it oilin’?”

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