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Couch jokes ๐Ÿ›‹๏ธ in 2024

What’s a couch’s favorite sport? Football, they see a lot of it on Sundays!

What’s a couch’s favorite style of dance? The twist, because it loves a good turn!

How does a couch spend its weekends? Watching TV shows!

What’s a couch’s favorite type of joke? Sit-down comedies!

Why was the couch a good comedian? It always left people in stitches!

What’s a couch’s favorite joke? “Why don’t we cushion the blow?”

Why did the couch cross the road? To prove it wasn’t just a sit-around!

Why did the couch refuse to play poker? It was afraid of getting dealt a bad hand-rest!

Why are couches terrible at hide and seek? They’re always in the living room!

What did the couch say to the chair? “Quit being so upright and relax!”

Why did the couch start a book club? It was always reading over people’s shoulders!

What’s a couch’s favorite holiday? Labor Day, because everyone lounges around!

Why was the couch a bad magician? It always revealed its tricks!

What’s a couch’s favorite pastime? Being the center of comfort in the house!

Why are couches terrible chefs? They always leave crumbs in the cushions!

Why was the couch always stressed? It was always under pressure!

Why are couches bad dancers? They have two left feet…rests!

What’s a couch’s favorite type of cookie? Soft-baked, like its cushions!

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