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Soup jokes 🥣 in 2024

What do you call soup that’s always trying to be tough? Broth-erhood.

Why did the soup feel like it was in a science fiction movie? It saw a bowl with a spaceship design.

Why did the soup feel lonely? It was a lone chowder.

What do you call soup that’s always trying to be romantic? Soup-er amour.

What do you call soup that’s always trying to be funny? Soup-er jester.

Why did the soup feel like it was in a western movie? It saw a bowl with a cowboy hat on it.

Why did the soup feel like it was in a science fiction movie? It saw a bowl with a futuristic design.

What do you call soup that’s always trying to be luxurious? Caviar-chowder.

What do you call soup that’s always lost? Mistrust.

Why did the soup feel like it was in a spy movie? It found a secret ingredient hidden in the pot.

Why did the soup feel like it was in a horror movie? It saw a chicken in the pot.

What do you call soup that’s always trying to be spicy? Red-hot broth-a.

What do you call soup that’s always trying to be romantic? Soup-er lover.

Why did the soup feel like it was in a spy movie? It had to dodge a group of floating croutons to get to the other side of the pot.

Why did the soup go to the gym? It wanted to be fit for the stew-per bowl.

What do you call soup that’s always trying to be healthy? Nutri-bowl.

What do you call soup that’s always trying to be unique? Special-TEA.

Why did the soup feel like it was in a romance movie? It was surrounded by a group of heart-shaped noodles.

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