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Shrek jokes 🧟👸🐲 in 2024

Why did Shrek’s date leave early? He was too ogre-whelming.

What do you call an ogre who’s always playing pranks? A joke-ogre.

What do you call an ogre who loves to dance? A jitter-ogre.

Why did Shrek’s pet parrot refuse to talk? It didn’t want to say anything ogre-rageous.

What do you call an ogre that’s always eating sweets? Shrek-olate.

Why did Shrek get in trouble with the law? He broke the ogre-dinance.

What do you call an ogre who loves to bake? A cook-ogre.

What do you call an ogre with a cold? A sn-ogre.

Why did Shrek refuse to go on a rollercoaster? He didn’t want to feel ogre-whelmed.

Why did Donkey say Shrek was a great artist? Because he had a real ogre-tistic flair.

What do you call an ogre who’s always hungry? A chomp-ogre.

How does Shrek keep his hair in place? With ogre-gel.

What do you call an ogre who’s always happy? A joy-ogre.

Why did Shrek’s computer break down? It was overloaded with ogre-sized files.

Why did Donkey call Shrek a bookworm? He was always in his ogre-library.

What do you call an ogre who’s always shopping? A bargain-ogre.

What do you call an ogre who loves to travel? A globe-trotter.

Why did Shrek and Donkey go to the arcade? To play some ogre-sized games.

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