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Sloth jokes 🦥 in 2025

What did the turtle say while dating the sloth?
– Let’s take it sloooowwwww.

What’s the difference between a lazy overeater and a flirtatious emo?
– One is Sloth the Gluttonous the other is Goth the Sluttiness.
– Yep made that up on the way home today… Sorry.

My background is degradation and sloth, mostly.

Why are sloths the most social animals?
– Because they always wanna hang out!

What do you call a sloth who barely moves?
– A slow-off!

What do sloths throw when winter hits?
– Slowballs.

Sloth motto : Nope. No Way. Not Going To Happen. Not Today!!!

What is a sloths favorite icy treat?
– Slow-cone. (Snow cone)

I Saw A Sloth Eating A Watch…
– It Was Very Time Consuming!

What does the sloth journalist read every morning when he gets to work?
– A snooze paper.

Sloth is the failure to do what needs to be done when it needs to be done – like the kamikaze pilot who flew seventeen missions.

What do you get when you cross a sloth and a Scottish rock band?
– Slow Patrol

Why did Stacie take a speed-reading course?
– Because it was her sloth-more year!

I watched a sloth eat a watch once.
– It was very time-consuming.

what do you call a gay sloth?
– Slow-mosexual

When does a sloth go “moo”?
– When it is learning a new language!

What do scientists call an intelligent sloth?
– A slow-mo-sapien!

What do you get when you cross a sloth and a Scottish rock band?
– Slow Patrol.

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