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Jewelry Jokes ๐Ÿ“ฟ๐Ÿ’ in 2024

Why was the bracelet a great football player? It had a strong wrist game!

Why did the earring stay home from school? It was feeling a bit pierced!

Why was the gemstone a great comedian? It knew how to crack people up!

What’s a gemstone’s favorite time of day? Jewel time!

How does a bracelet win a race? It wristles its way to the front!

Why was the ring always calm? It had inner peace!

What do you call an apologetic gemstone? A repent-dant!

Why was the ring feeling so confident? Because it’s never out of shape!

What’s a watch’s favorite game? Second guess!

Why was the diamond always popular? It was multifaceted!

Why was the ring good at yoga? It had a great circle of flexibility!

How do earrings get their news? Through the grapevine!

Why was the ring a great leader? It was well-rounded!

Why was the diamond late to work? It had a hard time getting out of the bedrock!

Why was the earring a great detective? It was always on the case!

Why did the ring go to school? It wanted to get a little more polished!

What’s a gemstone’s favorite food? Crystal sugar!

Why did the bracelet go to the party? To have a wrist of a time!

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