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Database jokes ๐Ÿ›ข๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ in 2024

Why do databases make terrible secret agents? Their queries are too loud!

How does a database like to relax? By putting its feet up on the tablespace!

How does a database apologize? By making amends in its records!

Why was the database always failing its tests? It kept missing the points…of data!

What’s a database’s favorite movie? “The Sequel Server”

How do databases stay fit? By doing table flips!

Why did the database go to therapy? It had too many relationship issues!

Why was the database a bad dancer? It had two left joins!

Why was the database a bad liar? It always logged everything!

Why do databases make terrible detectives? They always return the wrong results!

Why was the database a terrible driver? It kept stopping at checkpoints!

Why did the database get kicked out of school? It kept causing row lock!

What did the database say to its dinner date? “Are you a table? Because I can’t function without you!”

How does a database stay organized? With the help of schemas!

Why did the database go to the gym? It needed to work on its joins!

How does a database handle a power outage? It always keeps a backup!

What’s a database’s favorite type of coffee? Java…script!

What’s a database’s favorite holiday? Independence Day, because it loves normalization!

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