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Hamster jokes ๐Ÿน in 2024

Why did the hamster get a job at the circus? Because he knew all the “loops”!

What do you call a hamster that can cook? A “gourmet rodent”!

Why do hamsters make bad musicians? They only know how to play the “squeak” box!

What do you call a hamster with a crown? A “royal rodent”!

What’s a hamster’s favorite band? The “Rolling Stones”!

Why do hamsters hate rainy days? It makes their fur all “squeaky”!

Why don’t hamsters make good comedians? Their jokes are always “cheesy”!

What do you call a hamster that can paint? “Picasso-tter”!

Why do hamsters hate math? They can’t count past “wheel”!

Why don’t hamsters like to go camping? Because they hate “s’mores”!

Why don’t hamsters ever get bored? Because they always have a wheel to spin!

Why are hamsters always calm? They know how to “roll” with it!

Why did the hamster join the baseball team? Because he runs like a “fur-ball”!

What do you call a hamster that can write? A “scribble rodent”!

Why do hamsters make bad students? They always lose their “train” of thought!

What do you call a hamster that tells jokes? A “ham-stand-up” comedian!

Why do hamsters make bad drivers? They’re always spinning out!

Why are hamsters never late for dinner? Because they always “scurry” on time!

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