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Nacho jokes 🌮 in 2024

What do you get when you cross a tortilla chip with a computer? A digital nacho.

Why did the nacho break up with the tortilla chip? It was too salty.

What’s a nacho’s favorite type of music? Chip-tunes.

Why did the nacho go to the beach? To get some nacho-tanning.

Why was the nacho embarrassed? Because it saw the salsa dancing and couldn’t ketchup.

What do you call a group of nachos that start a business together? The Cheesy Entrepreneurs.

What do you call a group of nachos that go on a hike? Trail mix.

What’s a nacho’s favorite type of movie? Cheesy action films.

What did the cheese say to the tortilla chip during their breakup? “It’s nacho fault.”

Why did the nacho go to the gym? To work on its queso.

Why did the nacho go to the art museum? To see some cheesy exhibits.

What’s a nacho’s favorite type of clothing? Doritos.

What do you call a nacho that’s always asking for money? A cashew.

What do you call a nacho that’s really good at math? A nacho-average student.

What do you call a nacho with a great sense of humor? A funny nacho.

Why did the nacho cross the road? To get to the cheesy side.

Why did the nacho go to the library? To check out some cheesy books.

Why did the nacho go to the doctor? It had a chip on its shoulder.

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