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Handyman jokes ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ”ง in 2024

Why did the handyman become a gardener? He wanted to “root” for a change!

Why was the handyman always calm? He knew how to “level” his emotions!

Why was the handyman a good baseball player? He knew the drill!

Why do handymen always carry a watch? To make sure they finish their jobs “on time”!

Why don’t handymen play hide and seek? Because they always get spotted behind the workbench!

How does a handyman comfort his friends? “Don’t worry, I can fix this!”

What’s a handyman’s favorite song? “I just called to fix your sink.”

What does a handyman do in a library? He checks out the “manuals”!

How does a handyman watch a movie? With a box of popcorn and a multi-tool at his side!

Why did the handyman keep talking to his hammer? He just couldnโ€™t resist some nail-biting conversation!

What’s a handyman’s favorite animal? A monkey wrench!

What’s a handyman’s favorite movie? “Drillbit Taylor.”

Why did the handyman bring a ladder to the bar? He heard the drinks were on the house!

Why did the handyman carry a pencil behind his ear? Because it was the “write” tool for the job!

Why did the handyman go to the disco? He wanted to shake his “toolbox”!

Why did the handyman go to the beach? He heard there was some “sanding” to be done!

What does a handyman do on his vacation? He screws around!

Why was the handyman always busy? Because his schedule was full of “fix-tures”!

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