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Crab jokes ๐Ÿฆ€ in 2024

Whatโ€™s it called when a crab walks to its part-time job?
– A side hustle.

What do you call a crab thatโ€™s green and sings but likes to stay home?
– A Kermit crab.

Scientists found out that crabs hear through their legs.
– A scientist yelled at a crab and it ran away. Then he cut of its legs and yelled at it again. And suddenly the crab didn’t run away anymore.

What do you call the greatest crab artist that ever lived?
– Leonardo da Pinci.

What do you call a crab who is afraid of small spaces?
– Claw-strophobic!

Why did the crab cross the road?
– It didn’t. It used the sidewalk.

Knock Knock

– Whoโ€™s there?

– Water

– Water who?

– Water you waiting for?! Letโ€™s go crabbing!

Why do crabs never give to charity?
– Because theyโ€™re shellfish!

What did one hipster crab playing on its shellphone say to the other?
– โ€œHelp me think of an Instagram crabtion!โ€

I pulled a muscle today, I stayed clam!

What does a crab have in common with a Chinese guy who gets run over by a bus?
– They’re both crushed Asians.

Who brings Christmas presents to young crabs?
– Santa Claws!

The truth shell set you free!

What kind of protective headgear does a hermit crab wear?
– A shell-met.

What did the crab police officer say when it pulled over a speeding shrimp?
– โ€œYou have to abide by the claw.โ€

Marylanders: Do you know how to tell the difference between male and female Chesapeake blue crabs ?
– The female will tell you how to eat her.

Why did the crab blush?
– It saw the oceanโ€™s bottom.

I shrimply donโ€™t like shellfish!

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