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Halloween jokes 🎃 in 2024

What did the bird say on Halloween?
– Twick or tweet.

Why are all of Superman’s costumes tight?
– They’re all size S.

How do vampires get around on Halloween?
– On blood vessels.

What goes “Ha-ha-ha-ha!” right before a gigantic sounding crash and then keeps laughing?
– A monster laughing it’s head off!

What do you call a dancing ghost?
– Polka-haunt-us.

Why didn’t the skeleton go to school?
– His heart wasn’t in it.

What can you catch from a vampire in winter?
– Frostbite.

Why was Cinderella no good at football?
– Because her coach was a pumpkin.

Who are the werewolf’s cousins?
– The what-wolf and then when-wolf.

What do you call Wall-E’s cousin who cleans floors?
-Because a dog was after his bones!

What did the girl horse dress up as for Halloween?
-A night mare.

The favored historical ruler of skeletons is none other tBone-a-part.

What’s a skeleton’s favorite instrument?
-A sax-a-bone.

Why do ghosts hate when it rains on Halloween?
-It dampens their spirits.

What monster plays tricks on Halloween?

What would be the national holiday for a nation of vampires?
– Fangs-giving!

What did one thirsty vampire say to the other as they were passing the morgue?
– Let’s stop in for a cool one!

Why didn’t the mummy have any friends?
-He was too wrapped up in himself.

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