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Whale jokes ๐Ÿณ in 2024

What do whales eat?
– Fish and ships.

Where does a killer whale go to get braces?
– The orca-dentist.

Whale hello there!

Why did the whale call the detective?
– Because he saw something fishy going on!

Whale you be mine?

Why did the killer whale go to jail for stealing all the diamonds?
– Heโ€™s the one that orca-strated the heist!

Which whales have the fastest websites?
– Cachalots

Where do you call a group of whale musicians?
– An orca-stra.

What is a whale’s favourite band?
– Blue!

Whale be ok!

How do you get two whales in a car?
– Start in England and drive west.

Whatโ€™s the difference between a marine biologist and a dog?
– One tags a whale, the other wags a tail.

Why do whales like salt water?
– Pepper makes them sneeze!

What did one beached whale say to the other beached whale?
– Long time no sea!

How do fish travel long distances?
– They whale a taxi.

How do you weigh a whale?
– At a whale weigh station.

Whatโ€™s a whaleโ€™s favorite James Bond movie?
– A License To Krill.

What do you get when you cross a cow with a whale?
– Sha-Moo!

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