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Onion jokes 🧅 in 2024

How do you make an onion cry? You tell it a “tear-jerker” joke.

What do you call an onion that’s always sneezing? A “pepper” onion.

Why did the onion become a musician? It wanted to “peel” some rhythm.

What do you call an onion that’s always forgetful? A “memory-leek.”

Why did the onion go to the zoo? It wanted to see the “jungle-peel.”

Why did the onion go to the beach? It wanted to work on its “tan-gerine” color.

How do you make an onion feel famous? You give it a “peeling” reality TV show.

Why did the onion go on a date with a bell pepper? They had great “chemistry.”

How do you make an onion feel happy? You give it a “peeling” smile.

How do you make an onion feel stylish? You give it a “peeling” makeover.

What do you call an onion that’s always angry? A “fuming” onion.

What do you call an onion that’s always cold? A “frosty” onion.

Why did the onion go to the desert? It wanted to “peel” the heat.

What do you call an onion that’s always telling jokes? A “fun-gi” onion.

Why did the onion become a teacher? It wanted to “peel” some knowledge.

Why did the onion go to the library? It wanted to read some “onion-spiring” books.

How do you make an onion feel powerful? You give it a “peeling” cape.

How do you make an onion feel brave? You take it on a “peeling” adventure.

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