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Gorilla Jokes ๐Ÿฆ in 2024

What’s a gorilla’s favorite toy? A swing set!

What’s a gorilla’s favorite vegetable? Banan-ape-ppers!

What do gorillas wear to the office? Ape-rons!

Why did the gorilla go to the movie premiere? He was an ape-list actor!

Why did the gorilla bring a ladder to the party? He heard the fun was on another level!

What’s a gorilla’s favorite breakfast? Ape-nut butter and banana sandwiches!

Why did the gorilla go to the bakery? He had a craving for banana bread!

Why did the gorilla bring a book to the party? He heard it was a book club!

Why did the gorilla bring a banana to the party? Because it’s a great peeler!

What did the gorilla do when he won the lottery? He went bananas!

What’s a gorilla’s favorite drink? Ape-ple juice!

Why did the gorilla join a book club? He loved to read about other ape-ventures!

What did the gorilla wear to the costume party? A King Kong mask!

What’s a gorilla’s favorite school subject? Ape-calculus!

What’s a gorilla’s favorite fruit? Ape-ricots!

Why did the gorilla join the music band? He had the best drum beats!

Why don’t gorillas use computers? They can’t stop hitting the monkey bars!

What’s a gorilla’s favorite TV show? The Big Bang Ape-ory!

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