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Radiologist jokes in 2024

What do radiologists use to fix their equipment? Duct tape and determination!

Why did the radiologist lose at poker? He showed all his hands… on the x-ray!

Why did the radiologist become a chef? He loved the idea of slicing and dicing!

Why did the radiologist become a musician? He wanted to tickle the ivories!

Why don’t radiologists play hide and seek? Because good luck hiding when they can see right through you!

What’s a radiologist’s favorite vegetable? Rad-ish!

Why did the radiologist break up with his girlfriend? She had too many layers to figure out!

What’s a radiologist’s favorite movie? “The Bone Collector”!

Why are radiologists like cats? They can both see clearly in the dark!

What’s a radiologist’s favorite card game? Go Fish… for bones!

What do you call a radiologist who also works as a DJ? A hip X-ray technician!

Why did the radiologist always finish his work on time? He had no time for fractures!

Why are radiologists good at geometry? They’re great with angles, especially obtuse ones!

Why did the radiologist never get lost? He always took the path of least resistance!

Why did the radiologist have a bright idea? He just had a light bulb moment on the x-ray!

Why did the radiologist join the circus? He wanted to be a juggling bone-man!

Why did the radiologist refuse to read a novel? Because there weren’t enough pictures!

Why did the radiologist break up with his girlfriend? He saw through her lies!

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