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Boss jokes 👨‍💼 in 2024

Why did the boss bring a telescope to work? He wanted to see his future success.

Why did the boss refuse to use a keyboard? He wanted to show he could type faster with his fingers.

Why did the boss refuse to use a phone? He preferred face-to-face communication.

Why did the boss bring a trampoline to work? He wanted to bounce back from any setback.

Why did the boss bring a pillow to the meeting? He wanted to cushion the blow.

Why did the boss bring a crystal trophy to work? He wanted to show off his accomplishments.

Why did the boss always wear a leather briefcase? He wanted to show he was a boss on the go.

Why did the boss refuse to use a stapler? He preferred to keep things loose.

Why did the boss always wear a bowler hat? He wanted to show he had a quirky personality.

Why did the boss always wear a top hat? He wanted to be the top dog.

Why did the boss refuse to use a stapler? He wanted to show he could improvise.

Why did the boss refuse to go on vacation? He couldn’t delegate responsibility.

Why did the boss refuse to use a calculator? He wanted to prove he was a human calculator.

Why did the boss always wear a cape? He wanted to be a super boss.

Why did the boss bring a megaphone to work? He wanted to make sure his ideas were heard.

Why did the boss bring a trampoline to work? He wanted to bounce back from any setback.

Why did the boss always wear a pocket watch? He wanted to show he was a timeless boss.

Why did the boss bring a ruler to the meeting? To measure his success.

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