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Tesla jokes 🚗⚡🔋 in 2024

How does Elon Musk keep his hair looking so perfect? With rocket fuel, of course!

Why did Elon Musk start a Hyperloop company? To make travel faster than the speed of light.

Why did Elon Musk get a ticket? He was caught flying a Tesla drone.

What do you get when you cross a Tesla and a Nissan Leaf? A Leafy Tesla.

Why did Elon Musk get a ticket? He was caught drifting on the rings of Saturn.

Why did Elon Musk start a Boring Company? To dig his way to success.

What do you get when you cross a Tesla and a Mustang Mach-E? A Machetesla.

What do you call a Tesla with a dead battery? A parked car.

What do you call a Tesla that’s always crashing? A total shock.

What do you get when you cross a Tesla and a Cadillac? A Caddytesla.

Why did Elon Musk start a flamethrower company? To light up the competition.

What do you get when you cross a Tesla and a Jaguar? A Jagtesla.

What do you call a Tesla that’s always plugged in? A charge hog.

Why did the Tesla get pulled over? It was driving too far ahead of its time.

Why did Elon Musk’s computer break down? It ran out of spaceX.

Why did Elon Musk get a ticket? He was caught speeding through a wormhole.

What do you call a Tesla that’s always getting lost? A disoriented driver.

Why did the Tesla get rejected from the car wash? It was too electric to handle.

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