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Adoption jokes in 2024

What do you call an adopted child who’s always singing? A “forever musician.”

What do you call an adopted child who’s always performing? A “forever entertainer.”

What do you call an adoptive parent who’s always volunteering? A “foster” philanthropist.

What do you call an adoptive parent who’s always collecting antiques? A “foster” collector.

Why did the adoptive parents need a night out? To “adopt” a new hobby.

Why did the adoptive parents need a night off from parenting? To “adopt” a new hobby to enjoy together.

What do you call an adopted child who’s always painting? A “forever artist.”

What do you call an adopted child who’s always building? A “forever builder.”

Why did the adopted child run away from home? He was looking for his “real” parents at the grocery store.

Why did the adopted child bring a camera to the family reunion? To “capture” their memories.

Why did the adopted child bring a family tree to their school presentation? To “illustrate” their journey to their forever family.

What do you call an adoptive parent who’s always organizing? A “foster” planner.

What do you call an adoptive parent who’s always crafting? A “foster” DIY enthusiast.

Why did the adoptive parents need a night in? To “adopt” a new movie to watch.

Why did the adoptive parents need a break from technology? They needed to “adopt” a new low-tech hobby.

What do you call a group of adopted children? A “chosen” family.

What do you call an adopted child who’s always acting? A “forever performer.”

What do you call an adopted child who’s always inspiring change? A “forever activist.”

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