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Potato Jokes ๐Ÿฅ” in 2024

What is the difference between hot potato and a flying pig?
-One’s a heated yam, and one’s a yeeted ham.

Who is a potatoโ€™s favorite author?
– Edgar Allen Poe-tato.

What do you call a potato thatโ€™s reluctant to jump into boiling water?
-A hesi-tater.

Why do potatoes make good detectives?
-Because they keep their eyes peeled.

How did the Irish potato become bilingual?
-He became a French Fry.

What do you call a person who spends a lot of time sitting and staring at potatoes?
-A medi-tator

Whatโ€™s the difference between pea soup and mashed potatoes?
-Anyone can mash potatoes, but no one can pea soup.

All potato puns areโ€ฆ
– pomme de terrible.

What do you call a passenger train made out of sweet potatoes?
-A Yamtrack.

What do you say at a restaurant when they ask whether you want salad or chips?
-I’m not taking sides.

What do you call a stolen yam?
– A hot potato.

What do you call a first aid vehicle made out of potatoes?
-A yambulance.

What’s a potato’s favourite TV show?
-Starch Trek.

What do you call a good-looking french fry?
-A hot potato.

What do potatoes eat for breakfast?
-Pota-toast with jelly.

aw some crisps strolling down the road and offered them a lift
– No thanksโ€, they said, โ€œweโ€™re Walkers

Why did the potato salad blush?
– Because it saw the salad dressing.

Why did the sea monster eat twelve ships that were carrying potatoes?
-Because nobody can eat just one potato ship!

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