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Monkey Jokes 🐵 in 2024

What do you call a man who can jump from tree to tree?
-A monkey’s uncle.

What do you call a monkey at the south pole?

Where should a monkey go if she loses her tail?
-To a re-tail-er.

What came first, the monkey or the ape?
-The dinosaur!

What do you call a monkey with a hand grenade?
-A ba-BOOM

What is a monkey’s favourite dance move?
-The banana split.

What do monkeys do at work?
-Monkey business.

What do you call a monkey who works in a call center?
-A who-rang-utang!

What happens when monkeys gets fleas?

Why do monkeys love bananas?
-Because they have appeal.

What do you call a cross between a gorilla and a monkey?
-A cross.

What kind of key unlocks a banana?
-A mon-key.

What kind of monkey likes seafood?
-A shrimpanzee.

When do monkeys fall from the sky?
-During ape-ril showers.

Why did the monkey take its banana to the doctors?
-It wasn’t peeling good.

What’s kind of monkey will liven up a party?
-A funk-key.

Did you know before they had monkey bars
-monkeys would just drink at home.

What is a monkeys favourite Christmas song?
-Jungle Bells.

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