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Bacon jokes ๐Ÿฅ“ in 2024

Why was the meat packer arrested?
– For bringing home the bacon.

How do you keep bacon from curling in the pan?
– You take away its tiny brooms.

What are the names of two movies about bacon?
– Frankenswine and Hamlet

What do you call a bacon wrapped dinosaur?
– Jurassic Pork.

What’s the biggest Jewish conundrum?
– Free Bacon!

Which actor is now being quarantined for Swine Flu?
– Kevin Bacon

What do you call a bacon-wrapped dinosaur?
– Jurassic Pork.

Why was the piglet consistently whining?
– He was boared out of his mind.

Why did the pig go into the kitchen?
– He felt like bacon.

What do you call a pig mixed with a centipede?
– Bacon and scrambled legs.
– Courtesy of my 6 year old daughter.
– She said she made it up and I can’t verify that but it cracked us up so I thought I’d share.

What did bacon say to tomato?
– Lettuce get together.

Why did the pig go into the kitchen?
– He felt like bacon.

Why was the pig rejected?
– Because he was a mistaken bacon.

Smoking will kill you …
– Bacon will kill you…
– But, smoking bacon will cure it.

20 years ago we had Bob Hope, Johnny Cash, and Steve Jobs.
– Now we have no Cash, no Jobs and no Hope. I really hope Kevin Bacon doesn’t die.

Chicken nuggets with cheese wrapped in bacon.
– I think she is the one.

What do you call a pig that has no legs?
– A groundhog

What do you call a pig that can tell you about his ancestors?
– History in the bacon.

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